Attitude #2: Set Goals—Daily Destinations

The second attitudinal characteristic found among top achievers is that they set goals. They take advantage of the numerous benefits goal-setting offers. Most of us view goal-setting as a laborious exercise fraught with uncertainty. Did you know that only 5% of North Americans are committed to written goals? I'm not talking about writing a to-do list scribbled on a Post-It-Note or a napkin. I mean a clear, concisely written goal. The to-do list simply represents a shopping list of activities, chores to be performed throughout your day. As a sales entrepreneur, you must get into the mental habit of thinking in terms of end results rather than being satisfied with "busywork."

There is a parade of excuses as to why people do not set goals. The most common one is, "They don't work," or even worse, "How do I know what I'll be doing in five years?" Instead of creating our future, we have been conditioned to react to the present. Too many people today seek the quick fix, hoping for some rescue fantasy to magically appear and salvage them from their boring life of routine and occasional luck.

In fairness to the goal-setting exercise, recognize there are two sides to every story. On the lighter side, I offer you the top ten reasons why you may choose not to set goals.


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